Planning Permission
The Land Agency works in partnership with an exceptional group of planning consultants, architects and surveyors to manage all aspects of a planning application.
Understanding how the land is to be sold ensures the correct planning option is selected, the land value is maximised and the process runs seamlessly from start to finish.
What is the difference between outline and full planning permission?
An outline planning application establishes the principle for the proposed development without having to submit detailed drawings, however an indicative layout plan is required. A full planning application is a detailed application and includes detailed drawings for all proposed buildings, engineering or other works.
How much does it cost to get planning permission?
For a single dwelling in England an application for planning permission (Outline or Full) currently costs £385. Once you have factored in costs such as surveys and architects fees the total cost of the process is around £3,000 – £5,000. For a site with multiple dwellings the costs can be considerably higher.
For details on promotion agreements where all costs are covered by a third party please click here.
How much will planning permission increase the value of my land by?
In almost all cases, a lot! We can provide valuations for both before and after planning permission is received to allow landowners to assess the feasibility of starting the process.
Should I apply for outline or full planning permission?
It depends on the particular site and your land sales strategy.
The total cost of achieving outlining planning permission is lower because less detail is required.
If you are applying for permission to erect a new dwelling in your garden and you intend to stay in your current home, you may opt for full planning with restrictions on the contract of sale in order to retain full control over what can be built after the land is sold.
What is a pre-application meeting?
An opportunity to get the local council planning department’s initial views on your proposed development. Most councils charge a fee and they are not tied to any views outlined at this stage. We generally only recommend a pre-app meeting in circumstances where the proposed plans sit outside of local planning policy.
How long does a planning application take?
The time from submitting an application to gaining and securing Planning Permission is usually around 8-10 weeks. It can take longer if the decision is referred to the council’s Planning Committee.
How long is planning permission valid for?
Once gained & secured, planning permission for the land is valid for three years.
What are planning conditions?
Planning conditions are requirements imposed by the Planning Officer that must be adhered to in order for the planning permission to remain in place.
What material considerations may the local authority consider when assessing a planning application?
- Located within or outside of the development boundary
- Loss of light to neighbours
- Loss of privacy to neighbours
- Adequate parking facilities
- Safe access from highway
- Traffic volumes
- Noise levels
- Sustainable location?
- Design of dwellings and materials
- Location and impact on listed buildings, conservation areas, ancient woodland, etc.
- Tree preservation orders
- Environmental impact
- Density of proposed dwellings